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Tag: benefits of head massage

Know More About Head Massage Therapy And Its Benefits

Posted by on Sep.24, 2021, under Health Comments Off on Know More About Head Massage Therapy And Its Benefits


When we get stressed out we crave a head massage. Some people will get headaches often. Have you thought of “why we are getting headaches?”. There are many reasons that we get headaches. Relax your body and mind by getting head massage therapy. Many people think that head massage is simply massaging the head but the actual truth is this massage includes many techniques that promote your health. How many of you know the exact benefit of head massage therapy?. In this blog, you will know more about head massage therapy and its benefits. If you are looking for a Massage Centre in Anna Nagar, then enter Le Bliss Spa. They offer you the best massage and spa services within your budget.

Types of headache

There are many types of headaches and let us discuss some among them.

Tension Headache

This tension headache is common among adult and teen people. If you are a person who often gets tensed, then you will suffer from tension headaches. 

Migraine Headache

Migraine is a type of headache that occurs due to ver stress and pressure. This headache will remain for almost four to three hours and may occur one to three times a month. Getting a massage can maintain the migraine. 

Cluster Headache

In this, you will have pain behind or inside the eye. It is considered a severe one compared to other headaches. The symptoms of these headaches are red eyes, eyelids droops and you will always get tears in your eyes. This will occur one to four times a day and three times a week. 

Chronic daily Headache

This chronic daily headache will occur daily and will last for almost 15 days. This headache is not that much serious but consulting the doctor is more advisable. Massages work well on this headache than medications.

Sinus Headache

Sinus is a common problem that most of us face. You will feel pain in your cheekbones, head and near the nose. The symptoms of sinus are running nose, fever and swollen face. 

Causes of headache

Many among us just take a tea or coffee or medicine for headache, but this is not advisable. Know the correct reason for the headache and treat them according to it. Let us discuss the causes of headaches further.

  1. Getting stressed often will give you headaches.
  2. When you are hungry and the empty stomach while also cause headache
  3. If you didn’t get proper sleep that will lead to a headache
  4. Change in environment and climate is also a cause for headache 
  5. Eating too much will also give headache
  6. Drinking more alcohol may lead to headache
  7. Some specific smell will give migraine
  8. Over smoking may give headache
  9. Eating expired food 
  10. Low estrogen level in women

What is a Head Massage?

Head massage is a kind of massage that concentrates on the head, shoulder, arms and neck region of the body. This massage includes many techniques that relieve you from body pain, stress, anxiety, depression, neck pain, shoulder pain and muscle tension. The special part of this head massage is it includes a scalp massage. It will make you feel relaxed and calm. The benefits of massaging the scalp region are enormous. If you are searching for a Massage in Velachery, then walk into Le Bliss Spa and enjoy your massage.

How to perform the head massage?

You can do a head massage on your own and also you can get it from a professional therapist. But get a head massage from an expert because, they are well known about the trigger points, tools and also the techniques. If you don’t know “How to massage head?”, then let me give you a brief explanation about the procedure.  As the first step, make yourself comfortable in a chair or couch or table. Then the expert will wash his/her hands with soap and hot water to rid of all the bacteria and viruses. Your hair will be detangled using a brush and the therapist will use his/her hands to detangle big tangles. Then the therapist will apply head massage oil on the head to reduce the body heat. The common oils that are used during the massage are coconut oil, almond oil, mustard oil, sesame oil, olive oil and jasmine oil. At the beginning stage of the massage, the therapist will use a little bit of oil, you can add more later and then further continue with massaging the scalp. Then the therapist will massage the forehead, cheeks and chin. The backside of your neck is rubbed gently to remove the tension in the neck region. Your forehead will be massaged in a circular motion by using the palms. Finally, the massage is continued with massaging on the back, shoulders and arms.  Get a good massage for head and relax.

Benefits of head massage

Relieves Headache

Stop drinking tea or coffee to get relief from headaches, instead get a good head massage which is the best choice for headaches. The soothing massage during the session will calm down the nerves in the brain and also the central nervous system. Relieve you from tension and energy blockages. Get relief from chronic headaches by entering the best Massage Spa in Chennai.

Treats Migraine

This head massage will help you with migraine headaches. When the tension accumulated in the head, neck, and shoulder part will lead to pain in the head. Applying pressure on some trigger points will lessen or remove the pain. This will also help in promoting good blood circulation to the brain cells. 

Good Hair growth

Nowadays, hair fall is a common problem that every one of us faces. Due to improper food intake and other disorders, our hair gets weaken. Massaging the scalp will increase the blood circulation to the hair cells that make them strong and also reduces hair fall.

Boost up memory

Even a kid suffers from memory loss nowadays. Lack of concentration is a very dangerous thing that may lead to any mental disorders. Head massage will improve the blood circulation to the nerve and also removes the blockages in them. This will improve your concentration power and reduce your memory loss.

In this blog, we have discussed the types, causes of headaches, head massage and their benefits. Get the best Head Massage in Chennai and make your day a special one. Step into Le Bliss Spa to enjoy your favourite massage.